JOSE REQUENA - Clarinetist

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My Photo Gallery

Some photos from my concerts, festivals, master classes with colleagues and friend around the world.


Recital at Folkestone's Cathedral - England

With Howard Klug, profesor at Indiana University - USA

Vandoren, 56 Ruig Lepic in Paris - France

Recital in Canterbury Christ Church University - England

With a fan, Evelyn, at Folkestone's Cathedral - England

With my teacher, David Campbell, in a concert

Aberytwyth Festival - UK

My new baby Oliver

With the famous soloist Antony Pay

Gervase de Peyer & Me at Guildhall School of Music    London - UK

Concert with base clarinet at Westminster School

London - UK

My friend the pianist John Flinders, in a concert together

Recital at Bolivar Hall in London - UK